Hire a Pro to Take Care of Your Radon Problem

Choose our radon testing company in Casper, WY

Thank you for visiting the website of Oil City Radon Consulting. We provide radon inspection services in Casper, WY. We can test your property to determine if you have unsafe levels of radon. If you do, we can install a mitigation system to keep you safe.

Make an appointment by calling 307-267-6252. You can also use the form on this page to email us.

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Oil City Radon Consulting

A black and white drawing of a map pin on a white background.

Casper, WY 82604

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P.O. Box 103 Mills, WY 82644

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(307) 267-6252
A black and white drawing of a clock on a white background.
Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun
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